Going Once, Going Twice, Say Hi To Elvis

Every few weeks we scour through eBay’s vintage clothing auctions and report which relics are fetching top dollar. More reasons to raid your grandpa’s closet.

Click the links below to view the full eBay listing or the seller’s current inventory.

  1. Michael Jackson autograph moonwalk shoes sold for $22,000,000.00 by kvmomof3
  2. Micheal Jackson Thriller vintage leather jacket sold for $10100.00 by robhtp
  3. Michael Jackson stage worn sequin vintage shirt sold for $2055.56 by wishkah_star
  4. Michael Jackson LA Gear Billie Jean vintage shoes sold for $730.00 by gerrywaite1
  5. Micheal Jackson Triumph Merchandising vintage t-shirt sold for $294.99 by mradzi2
  6. Micheal Jackson vintage Glitter Glove Thriller tour sold for $272.00 moefran