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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:44 pm

Re: Ebay Fee Changes

Post by Vendetta »

Thanks for the post. I was actually going to post this topic as well.

Overall, depending on what steps you need to take prior to the end of March 2010 is all dependent upon how often you sell via auction or via storefront.

I stumbled across this link and I hope it helps:" onclick=";return false;

Is there a silver lining???


Maybe, even though prices for sellers are going up (along with the possibility of upgrading your store subscription) there may be a small amount of good news out of the changes (However, I personally am not a fan of the changes.)

Store inventory will now turn into fixed price listings. The FP listings will now pull up on eBay search listings as opposed to the difficulty getting exposure with store inventory listings. So, will the new FP listings bring in more sales to offset the hike? I, personally, hope so!

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