(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)
There's a store in Honduras that sells fake unriveted indigo Levi's with terrible looking LEvis' red tabs for about $10 USD. The ones in that auction looked identical. I'd seen some Thai fakes a while back with bright red fake selvage and modern looking rivets. What are the Korean ones like? Do they just copy 501s or 505s and 517s as well?
oh! this thread talking about fake Levi's? i took it wrong. hehe
i assumed (F)evis means fake Evisu. do you know the brand Evisu? its japanese brand well known for its jeans. hehe.
I love Evisu actually. I know that when he started the company the name was simply evis and they were later required to change it due to trademark issues.
Some of Evisu's jeans are better Levi's reproductions than the LVC collection jeans available in the USA (shame on levi's). I had one pair with selvedge, bartacking, painted arcuate, lemon stitching, raw indigo denim, etc they were impeccable jeans.
I'm now interested in picking up their Lee lazy S repro jeans but I haven't seen them anywhere.
There are tons of fake Evisu jeans here as well. I come across a couple every month at work, usually terrible fakes.
yeah some evisu jeans line are better than levi's replica line.
i think i once saw levi's 501XX replica made in Philippine. its terrible quality. generally levis from philippine are rubbish.
personally Levi's is best. i dont have other brans' jeans.
btw i wear levis replica one. but i dont identify what replica model mine is. it has
bigE, red line, bar-tack PLUS double stitch. (bigE are not suppoesd to have double stitch) but it was produced in USA and released in JAPAN.