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Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?

Post by wrinkled »

Hi guys! Just wondering if this tee is vintage or not!? And how much to price it at!

Thank you!!
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?
Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?

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Re: Harley Timeless Legends, Vintage or not? And how much to price it at?

Post by jimmyj »

It's probably getting close....maybe 2000s made? It's a mullet, so kinda feel like in the case of HD tees, that doesn't help, value-wise.

Might get $25-50 for it?
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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