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My never ending string of bad luck.

Post by teeotaku »

I love comic book characters.
I was in the mood to rock a Batman tee, but I grew to big to fit the one I have.
I went shopping on Ebay.
I found the same exact Batman tee. It was deadstock, my size and I was excited.
I tossed it into the wash.
And it came out disintegrated.
I was sad.
Its not just because I had purchased it, or that no one will ever be able to wear it again, especially me.
But that another awesome vintage tee is lost forever.
I will still keep and frame it as a reminder: be careful when you find deadstock tees. Don't assume it will hold up in the wash cuz its new.

Last edited by teeotaku on Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My never ending string of bad luck.

Post by jimmyj »

:cry: A classic case of a deadstock tee that was either over cured or stored in a dry climate for too long.

I always give deadstock tees a little tug to make sure they aren't dried out before putting them in the wash.

Go back to that seller - you deserve a refund.
Jimmy J

(Please note: Legit checks I do in this forum should not be considered 100% conclusive; I'm simply giving a gut reaction based on the limited information provided.)

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Re: My never ending string of bad luck.

Post by Johnny65 »

Wow. Bummer. :?

That's why I always hand wash my tees.

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Re: My never ending string of bad luck.


I've recently tossed a beloved Elvis tee for the same reason. I picked it up this morning to iron and there was a gaping hole under the armpit. I'm single-handledly making vtg elvis tees more and more rare.
Have vintage Elvis tees? Let me know!

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Re: My never ending string of bad luck.

Post by hermosavtg »

I've seen that shirt a few times, you should be able to easily find it again on ebay for $20 or less. Good luck!

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Re: My never ending string of bad luck.

Post by Classic »

Are the armpits totally gone? If not I'd say wear it! It has a cool look being tattered around the cape.
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