
Axtion Packed zine insanity

I am a fan of old hardcore zines. It seems that zines are one of those things that get passed down from generation to generation, residing dog-eared and tired in many an edgemin’s bathroom or coffee table. Unfortunately, most if not all of these zines are worth little to no CASH MONEY, this one being no exception. No one sent natalia112345 the update on this however, and he/she has started the listing at $39.99. It is a good zine, but my lord is that pricey.

Vintage Axtion Packed zine insanity tee
If anyone can locate the Bl’ast! long sleeve that Lukey Luke is apparently wearing in that picture, please do get in touch. Please.

Vintage Axtion Packed zine insanity tee

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  1. HAMMER says:

    I used to have 3 or 4 of those BL’AST! longsleeves. I gave them away many moons ago (cries).

  2. john says:

    well insanity you say? check out the listing here at http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/axtion-packed-fanzine-wide-awake-79478156

    if you sign up they will give you five free prices what items sold for. Well if you need to know this zine went for 63.00 last time it was up. maybe 39.00 isn’t a bad listing price.

  3. xfarsidex says:

    check out the seller’s other listings; $79 for a BOLD 7″ on orange in excellent condition, maybe ok, but $499 for the Unity 7″?

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