
Youth Defense League shirt

Get your sketch on people, an original shirt from this group of funky skins is yours for the taking. Do it for your grandfather.

Vintage Youth Defense League shirt tee

Vintage Youth Defense League shirt tee

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  1. YDLsecurity says:

    I walked into 99x on a Thursday in 97 and that super cute skingirl that worked there just hung up like 20 of thesse shirts that English Nick turned in for $15! All sized s, m, l screen stars OG. Me and Rob Barber(High Places, big YDL fan) bought a grip each and turned into Ebay/trade gold. StandHard owns my last one-traded 4a Raw Deal l/s. A wise NJ coremin compared mosh in”Youth Of America” to Led Zeppelin if they knew what mosh parts were. I still agree

  2. Palmer says:

    If anyone has an og medium fitting ydl shirt and needs quick cash hit me up. I always wanted a ringer but I’d settle for this design only because I’ve wanted one for 15 years now.

  3. the mosher says:

    nice story security man

  4. duffy says:

    Fucking Palmer! Whats up my man.

    Hey, I’m doing a legit run of these with Claude and Nick. e-mail me

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