
Danzig III.

Seller hargon99 very likely has a cool Danzig III longsleeve ending today, but his choice of extreme close ups for his auction pics makes it very hard to say just how cool…

Vintage Danzig III. tee

…but that’s where dirtytat and his 60 dollar BIN come in. We get a good look at the shirt in full in his auction, and it is in fact cool. Neither seller mentions a back print, and from what I can find out, there wasn’t one. He also refers to it as a “promo longsleeve”, which again, from what I can find out, was in fact the case- which means that these weren’t sold, they were given out by Def American.

Vintage Danzig III. tee

To me, this makes the first auction a steal, since it’s ending today and as of this writing is still at 5 bucks with zero bids. Get in there.

Vintage Danzig III. tee

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  1. Dean says:

    Got this shirt about 2 years ago. The purple ink (on mine at least) does not stand out, looks like your just rocking a black long sleeve. Got mine for $12!

  2. Suicide-King-Sickboy says:

    It was a promo…I remember getting mine in 92 from a friend who worked at a local record store, they were very lightly printed on the chest and sleeves only.

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