
Garfield, Odie, Pooky and Nermal. Jon sucks!

You know who loves Garfield? My mom. She was stoked on Garfield. She had all the collections, and was an avid reader. She even had a few of the plushy stuffed animals. She never stooped as low as the bcox631 is a fan too. He tries to play it off as a “leeway design,” but we all know better. Shout outs to Odie and Lasagna.

Vintage Garfield, Odie, Pooky and Nermal. Jon sucks! tee

Vintage Garfield, Odie, Pooky and Nermal. Jon sucks! tee

Vintage Garfield, Odie, Pooky and Nermal. Jon sucks! tee

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One Comment

  1. Sweet Pete says:

    Backtrack rules Oklahoma? If I ruled a state I would not have picked Oklahoma but a better one, but I think it’s cool they rule a state.

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