
iowncds Owns Mental Tees.

I owe my good buddy iowncds a solid after accidentally dragging him through the mud over a misunderstanding the last time he had auctions going, so it’s only fair I give him a couple plugs now that he has some new ones up. Fortunately it’s all good stuff, so it’s not like I have to force myself to post ’em… we’ll kick things off with his Mental shirts.

Vintage iowncds Owns Mental Tees. tee

Vintage iowncds Owns Mental Tees. tee

Vintage iowncds Owns Mental Tees. tee

Vintage iowncds Owns Mental Tees. tee

I had actually completely forgotten that the above design had been done on a black tee. And shout outs to Jay Bil and his classic record release show designs. Definite rare gems, the both of them.

Vintage iowncds Owns Mental Tees. tee

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