
Kid Dynamite

I’m not going to lie, I thoroughly enjoy Kid Dynamite. At first, I was tempted to write them off as a Lifetime rip off. Then I realized, their punk sound is much greater than Lifetime. No diss to Lifetime. I celebrate their entire category, but Kid Dynamite really moves. The energy is just that much higher. And courtesy of Joe Hardcore, they are playing again at This Is Hardcore fest in Philly.**

And if you are all about energy, check out balkibutt’s other auctions as he as a crap ton of weirdo red bull gear for sale. Weird.

Vintage Kid Dynamite tee

** ps. If you haven’t read what JoeHardcore has written about this gig, do yourself a favor and hit this link. He says some real stuff that should get people to re-evaluate why they love hardcore like they do. I found his intro to be a GREAT read. Props to JoeHardcore.

Vintage Kid Dynamite tee

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One Comment

  1. Nick says:

    that shirt is a Wo Hop rip right?

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