
Quicksand 1995.

I’ve always been a big Quicksand fan, but I’ve never found a Quicksand shirt I like. I think it’s because so many of their tees have Melinda Beck artwork on them, and as a high schooler in the mid-90’s, most of the kids I knew who wore Beck designed Quicksand shirts were dopey stoners in Doc Martens and baggy jeans with wallet chains that went to their ankles and who got real excited when Korn “changed the hard rock game” (one of them said this to me once, I never forgot the douche chill). No judgements; I wore a couple too long wallet chains myself, but that’s what I associate those tees with, so I can’t bring myself to wear anything with Beck’s artwork on it. Like this 1995 tee from zombie_breeder:

Vintage Quicksand 1995. tee

Vintage Quicksand 1995. tee

Vintage Quicksand 1995. tee

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One Comment

  1. Brian/IVWT says:

    Awww come on! Melinda Beck rules…although not as much as Jordin Isip :)

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