Showcasing the vast vintage t-shirt arsenal of Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica and Slayer.

Shirt #1: Slayer, Mandatory Suicide
Availability: Check Defunkd for Slayer T-Shirts
Album: South of Heaven
Date: 1988
Letter Reads: It is our duty to inform you that your son has been accepted to Breckonridge Military Academy. Please have him report to the admissions office on Monday at 06:00 hours to surrender to the Provost Marshal.
At that time, as per usual procedure, he is expected to be in uniform in keeping with our strict dress code, with regulation haircut to military standards. Please remember that all personal items are forbidden at Breckonridge, including radio, television, phonograph records and non approved literature. It is also our policy to not allow parental visits for the first six months.
We are certain by the time he graduates your son will be living up to the high standards of clean living and strict discipline that has been a hallmark of Breckonridge for over 100 years.
Approximate value: $500-$1000
Image Courtesy of: wyco-vintage