We’ve spent years showcasing cool vintage Harley t-shirts. But today I feel a little embarrassed for doing so. The rice references in the last batch of offensive (yet expensive) Harley t-shirts we reported on push it, even in the 1980s. But these ones go a step beyond the ethnocentricity (nice way of saying kinda racist), sexual innuendo (nice way of saying pretty sexist) and swear words.
Both of the t-shirts below are once again products of the Rocky Mountain Harley Dealership in Littleton Colorado. It still operates to this day. You have to wonder why a store would proudly print these images along side their logo.
The sad part is that both of these t-shirts fetched over $400 each on eBay. Assuming because they’re taboo, perhaps they’re rare – exclusive products of one dealership because we’ve never seen them before. Whatever the case may be definitely not something I’d want in my collection. If I can’t feel proud wearing it in public, I don’t want it.
I’m going to reach out to both Harley Davidson and this dealership to get the word on how these came to fruition and their thoughts in today’s day and age.