
Sub-par Sub-Zero.

Given his penchant for selling NYHC gems, you’d think a Sub-zero tee from janvanderdam would be one hell of a find. But I gotta be honest, this one underwhelms me.

Vintage Sub-par Sub-Zero. tee

Oddly, it’s actually the tour dates on the back that make me go meh. If you check it out, you’ll see that it looks like it should be the back of a 90s cd, not a list of tour dates for a shirt. Fronts kind of great, actually. Would look good with no sleeves.

Vintage Sub-par Sub-Zero. tee

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  1. boardman says:

    saw them a couple of times on this tour and they were amazing! i remember looking at that shirt and thinking that full colour print could stop a bullet!

  2. linda says:

    actually i took that photo! thank you very much!

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