
Sub-par Sub-Zero.

Given his penchant for selling NYHC gems, you’d think a Sub-zero tee from janvanderdam would be one hell of a find. But I gotta be honest, this one underwhelms me. Oddly, it’s actually the tour dates on the back that make me go meh. If you check it out, you’ll see that it looks like… Continue reading ».


Weirdo Subzero shirt

Weirdo Subzero shirt. Printed for a Japan tour? Since when is Subzero edge?!? Subzero is actually insanely popular in Japan. I know a lot of dudes that are heavily into them. Good demo though

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SubZero first hoodie

Most of the time a seller’s description is a little lacking in the details department. Not true in the case of this Sub Zero hoodie. Check it The very FIRST Subzero hoodie EVER made! If you could find another one of these somewhere in the world….let me know. I will give you $200 for one… Continue reading ».

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Ending soon: Black Flag, TFS, Sub Zero, Mouthpiece, Smorgasboard

Here you go folks, some last minute Sunday items, most on the cheap. Black Flag baseball shirt Mouthpiece LP era shirt Smorgasboard shirt SubZero shirt The First Step crew shirt (you can also buy a wedding dress if so inclined)

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