
Purple Burn shirt

Now this time seller newcopcar has outdone himself. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want a purple BURN shirt? Well at one point, I didn’t. The last time I posted one of these, I mentioned how I had never seen one before, and I wanted one. Murphy then chimed in and told me that not… Continue reading ».

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BURNed and Ripped*.

*- tee not actually burned. Seller newcopcar has another great old NYHC tee up, but this time he skips the mspaint arrows to the flaws and the detailed description. But that’s ok, the 2 close up pics of the rips do the job fine. And anyone who’s seen the triple digit scratch that Burn longsleeves… Continue reading ».

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The Mad Hatter.

Oh my GOD has sitting on these NYHC related baseball hats for sale from seller xxxevilxxx666 been killing me. But a friend of mine, who will remain nameless, had a deal in the works for some of the other stuff he had up for auction (said deal does still include the proceeds going to benefit… Continue reading ».



One more time… I’m not sure what is going on here. SneakerNoize when I came across all these shirts. First thing I noticed was all the crazy BIN’S. Don’t you want to sell this stuff. At least give the buyer a chance. Second was the picture of all the Burn shirts. These are obviously Revelation… Continue reading ».


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