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The Rules for Wearing a Band Tee


The Rules for Wearing a Band Tee

We’ve all had the urge to ask that 14 year in the bargain Hot Topic Ramones tee to name at least one of the band’s songs. If you’re going to have a band’s logo plastered on your chest, you should probably know a thing or two about them, no? Sadly some don’t even know that image on their chest is a band. Kids these days!

Our handy little infographic is packed with suggestions on how, when and when not to wear them. But have we gone too far? According to some users on Twitter – our prerequisites are on the light side. While some Tumblr users have been totally outraged by the contents of this guide (coincidentally the ones who wear them for all the wrong reasons.)

Looks like we’ve got ourselves a good ol’ fashion battle of the band tee wearers.

Additions? Subtractions? Feel free to chime in below.

Rules for Wearing a Band Tee: Infographic

Let’s re-cap our infographic:

The right reasons for wearing a band tee:

  • You’re a Huge Fan
  • You know the names and lyrics of several songs
  • You’re leaving the concert
  • You can name members of the band

The wrong reasons for wearing a band tee:

  • You think the logo is cool
  • A friend of celebrity wears the same one
  • You’ve heard the band is popular
  • There’s a 2 for 1 sale

Band tee fashion tips:

  • Do not tuck your band t-shirt in
  • Wash it! Worn look is cool, dirt and smells aren’t
  • Sleeveless is okay – but trip your pit hair!
  • Do you have to be slim to wear one? Eff no! You’re comfy in your body, wear what you want!


It’s not vintage if you purchased from a chain retailer a few weeks ago. Vintage isn’t a look, it’s about age.

Inappropriate times to wear a band tee:

When going to that band’s show. It’s over kill unless…

The t-shirt is at least 15 years old, then it’s a homage

It’s a festival and that band is one of many performing

It’s in support of the opening band

When going to see another band’s show. Unless…

One of the members of the band is a former member of the band you’re seeing and parted ways amicably

The tee represents a side project by one of the band members.

3 Golden Rules for Wearing a Band Tee

  1. Able to name at least two members of the band
  2. Able to name two songs from one album
  3. Able to recite the chorus from one song


Jimmy founded Defunkd in 2004 when he started selling vintage t-shirts online. 20 years of experience later and he hasn't looked back since. Actually, he looks back all the time given he's a sucker for nostalgia. For more, check the history of Defunkd and Jimmy's Expertise.

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