
Smells Like Dead Guy

Does it feel like we are seeing a lot of The seller states “they are a band,” but I’ve never seen this one. Can I get a ruling from someone who lives in Florida? Chip, obviously. nuhgnuh


Poster Power.

Get your frames ready, because seller bnahoum1974 has 4 cheaply started, quality looking posters up right now, and while none of them are a NYC Together comp poster, each one is still suitable for framing. Well, 3 out of 4 anyways. Total late 90s post core stylee on this Rev COS reissue poster, but I… Continue reading ».

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Death To False Barney

Remember that Death To False Metal Deadguy shirt I posted up just a few days back? It languished at $7 and ended with one bidder. This Death To False Metal (no, not that bnahoum1974, though. It’s ugly, it’s purple, but it’s Deadguy. I have no clue what Tony Victory was rolling around in his bald… Continue reading ».


Death To False Metal

It’s not quite Metal Monday yet so I feel safe posting up this Deadguy shirt from televisioneyez. Death To False Metal. Not sure who Deadguy considers false metal really… especially since their sound isn’t really metal at all. Sure, it’s more metal hardcore than anything else, but it’s definitely not tried and true metal. Check… Continue reading ».

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