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Etsy Joins Our Washington Ban!


Etsy Joins Our Washington Ban!

Washing Merch BanWooo whoooo! Back on July 27 we penned an open letter to Etsy inviting them to participate in our ban of Washington NFL merch. Then we reached out to our community to help spread the message through social. Many of you went beyond the call of duty, messaging them directly to share our letter and for that we thank you! Our efforts caught the attention of numerous American Indian based social accounts who appreciated our policy and put their social weight behind the ban.

Well, we just got a heads-up from SkippyHaha that earlier today Etsy emailed their shop owners who were carrying the merchadise to announce an update in policy.

The new policy states:

We understand that fans wish to support their favorite football team, and we do not believe that fans who are attached to the mascot have any racist feeling or intent. We also understand that some fans view the name and mascot as an homage to Native Americans, and we do not doubt their noble intent, but the fact remains that Native Americans themselves find the term unacceptable.

Sellers are welcome to continue selling items that contain the team colors and location, but items containing the name or the logo will no longer be allowed. This change takes effect today.

You can read the full policy update here.

Great minds obviously think alike.

Hopefully their policy will influence even bigger marketplaces. eBay? Amazon? Who’s next?

Big thanks to the Defunkd community! Please give yourselves a “collective” pat on the back.

Jimmy founded Defunkd in 2004 when he started selling vintage t-shirts online. 20 years of experience later and he hasn't looked back since. Actually, he looks back all the time given he's a sucker for nostalgia. For more, check the history of Defunkd and Jimmy's Expertise.

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