Im not too sure of igren`s claim of this being an original Cro-Mags shirt. I mean maybe its an original in the sense of it being sold whenever they started playing gigs again in the early 2000s but with that tag I would say that this shirt isnt too old. Maybe it is though, If… Continue reading ».
This Steve Huie drawn Cro-mags tee from incorrectthoughts is what us artist types call “motivation”. And I need some right now, with 3 t-shirt designs on the burner and a day’s worth of Noize Corp posts to try and write up…
Cro-Mags on a horse
This shirt from mvd272 is not at cool as Rick ta Life on a horse but that is the first thing that came to mind. Did Rick Ta Life ruin all horse images for me?? Cro-Mags NYC is the JJ version right? I get it all so confused now a days. Im not too into… Continue reading ».
Cromags hoodie and shirt set
I dont recall seeing this Cro-mags graphic from knr78 before. I dont know its from Harley Mags or JJ Mags. I cant decide if I like it or if its lame. Well its a Cro-mags shirts so its automatically kinda cool but I dont know, something about this doesnt click with me. Still pretty cool… Continue reading ».