
Positive Peer Pressure shirt

Ok, before you scroll down and take a look at the pictures, I can tell you that this thing is BEAT UP. This one would be nice to add to your collection of PPP shirts strictly for the color combo. If I see you wearing this out, I will point and laugh. Seller cappatron has… Continue reading ».

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Its OK not to wear sleeveless

coinandpapermoney brings us something we dont see too often on TTD, a Positive Peer Pressure shirt. Its a nice change of pace. Unfortunately for me it is sleeveless but that is good news for you as I wont be bidding on it. I think Morgodo should get this. Seller has some weirdo instructions in the… Continue reading ».

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WTF? Positive Peer Pressure shirt

Ok, so I have let thisone go long enough, and now it’s time to talk about it. This Positive Peer Pressure shirt has been listed, relisted, and listed again and it is a weird time all around. It seems that seller coinandpapermoney is trying to pull a shady on on us by posting the picture… Continue reading ».

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WTF? Listing Fail

Do you want to tell parentsmeller308 or should I? Check the title of his listing. It’s sad because this is a real nice Positive Peer Pressure reprint from React Records. That $10 BIN should make up for it.** ** thanks to a loyal reader for pointing this one out to me. Wow, just wow.


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