As an ambassador of vintage t-shirts I always represent in one. What if, by some strange circumstance, the fate of the world relied on me wearing a brand new tee? This section is dedicated to the ones I would put on to save our planet. You’re welcome.

I am the bastard child of Tom Selleck and Ted Danson. Truth be told, “Three Men and a Baby” was based on my childhood. Everything went horribly wrong when the screen writers decided the baby should be a girl and then added Steve Guttenberg to the mix. If you don’t believe me, here’s a little piece of inside info that only someone telling the truth would know: the sequel was originally titled, “Two Men and a Little Laddy”.
Here’s another little known fact that even Cliff Claven doesn’t know: pre-Mayday Malone, Ted Danson guest starred on an episode of Magnum P.I. He played the jealous hubby of one of Magnum’s clients and ended up punching T.M. right in the kisser.
Anyone who can recite or appreciate obscure Danson/Selleck facts is sure to enjoy this shirt. I like it because it’s vintage Danson but not a try hard vintage design. It’s also printed on a soft athletic grey American Apparel tee.
We also highly suggest having at least one vintage Cheers shirt in your vintage t-shirt arsenal, so check Defunkd’s TV selection to see what’s currently available.