
Sleeveless Saturday BINs

I’m glad you all have been enjoying Sleeveless Saturday. And when I saw “all of you,” I mean, that one guy who gave me the thumbs up. Since I haven’t heard any dissent, I’m just going to assume that the rest of you are enjoying it as much as that guy. If your name is… Continue reading ».

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Sleeves Still Suck

randomhero123 knows what I’m saying. He’s got an ass ton of sleeveless tshirts up on ebay, all ending soon. And for the most part, each is still less than a dollar. Hell, it’s cheaper to buy these sans sleeves than to buy a regular tee and cut them off yourself. Think about that.

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Night of the Metal Monday.

I bet you all thought we were sleeping on this week’s Metal Monday, but while that’s technically true (I did in fact sleep through most of the day, which is nuts since I went to bed at 9 last night. Being sick is crazy), we’re not about to let a Metal Monday pass us by…. Continue reading ».

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Metal Monday – Sleeveless in 88

I’m not much of a metal head but I can hang with some solid shirt designs. That’s the case here with the randomhero123 has two great ones from 1988. I could see Morgado sporting these. That is, if they hadn’t started as late 80s Larges and shrunk over the last 20+ years. D’oh. Lets listen… Continue reading ».

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